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Medical pedicure

Our feet are often the last wheel of the carriage. However, neglecting them is a continual source of small (and larger) pains such as back pain, heavy legs... which disrupt our daily life. It is essential to maintain them regularly.

A pedicure treatment allows you to treat, curatively or preventively, all skin and nail conditions and thus relieves pain or discomfort caused by corns, calluses, ingrown nails, fungus, warts, cracks, etc. .


Care is provided in appropriate hygienic conditions

(sterilization of single-use instruments and blades)

At the end of the consultation, the podiatrist may be required to prescribe any medications for external use to ensure therapeutic monitoring of the treated lesions (ointments, antiseptics ...)

Our feet are the last links in a complex chain that allows us to stand, orient ourselves and walk.

To ensure these different missions in a harmonious manner, it is important that they are not themselves subjected to various sufferings.

The therapeutic objective of pedicure care will therefore be to relieve our feet of the numerous pathologies that affect them and limit their functions.


Podiatry care may be covered by certain insurances. An invoice will be given to you if necessary.

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